Easiest B2B eCommerce platform in 2024: Turis

In this article, we will go through the reasons why Turis is the easiest and most efficient B2B eCommerce platform.

turis b2b app best b2b ecommerce platform

The B2B eCommerce world is changing at high speed, driven by technology and a growing preference for digital interactions between B2B companies. Now, with Gen Z entering the B2B eCommerce market, there’s an increasing demand for platforms that are easy, modern and efficient right. This means that B2B businesses that want to be future-proof and keep up with the market demands, need to choose the best B2B eCommerce platform for their B2B sales.

In addition to this, the global B2B eCommerce and wholesale market size was estimated to reach USD 20.9 trillion by 2027. So this means that B2B businesses that are looking into the near future for international expansion in their B2B sales have a green field ahead. Once again the decision of which wholesale platform to choose is even more essential. A poor choice based on lack of knowledge or pricing can quickly become very expensive.

“83% of B2B buyers prefer placing orders or paying for goods through online channels.”


What is a B2B eCommerce platform?

A B2B eCommerce platform is an online commerce tool that helps businesses sell products or services to other businesses. It simplifies B2B transactions and processes through eCommerce software. These eCommerce platforms make it easy for business owners, wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, and other B2B sellers to manage their B2B operations efficiently and keep things running smoothly.

Plus, having an online B2B eCommerce ensures that businesses can easily expand into new markets without the need to have a physical location.

b2b ecommerce platform laptop with frontstore

Key differences between B2B and B2C eCommerce platforms

B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) eCommerce platforms target completely different audiences and with different needs and objectives. The key differences between them:

  1. Audience and Purchase Intent:
    • B2B: Targets other businesses, often involving multiple stakeholders in the buying process. Purchases are typically driven by need, efficiency, and long-term strategic planning.
    • B2C: Targets individual consumers. Purchases are often driven by desire, price, and personal preference, and decisions can be more impulsive.
  2. Order Volume and Size:
    • B2B: Involves larger order volumes as businesses buy in bulk for resale or manufacturing needs.
    • B2C: Usually means smaller orders as the purchase is for personal use.
  3. Pricing and Payment Terms:
    • B2B: Pricing can be complex and often negotiable, with custom pricing agreements based on quantity, long-term relationships, or contractual terms. Payment terms might include invoicing with later payment dates.
    • B2C: Price is fixed and non-negotiable. Payments are made upfront, typically through online transactions using credit cards or digital wallets.
  4. Sales Cycle and Relationship Building:
    • B2B: The sales cycle is longer and more complex. Often involving multiple interactions before a deal is closed. That is why building a long-term relationship and trust is important.
    • B2C: The sales cycle is shorter, with fewer interactions. Emotional connection and brand loyalty can play a role in creating customer loyalty.
  5. Product Complexity and Customization:
    • B2B: Products can be more complex, with variations, customizations, and configurations required to meet specific business needs.
    • B2C: Products are standard without the need for customization. What you see is typically what you get.
  6. Customer Support and Services:
    • B2B: Requires a higher level of customer support, often involving dedicated account managers and customer service representatives.
    • B2C: While customer support is important, it is often less involved and can be managed through automated systems or standard customer service teams.
  7. Marketing and Sales Approach:
    • B2B: Marketing focus on relationship building, education, and demonstrating return on investment (ROI).
    • B2C: Marketing is more product-focused and targets an emotional response or immediate purchase, using strategies like discounts, influencer partnerships, and visually appealing content.

types of businesses that benefit from B2B eCommerce platforms

  1. Wholesalers: Wholesalers buy products in bulk to sell to other businesses. A B2B eCommerce platform simplifies these large scale transactions through efficient order processing, inventory management, and payment systems.
  2. Manufacturers: Manufacturers produce goods at scale and by using these platforms it helps them sell directly to retailers, distributors, or other manufacturers. This direct selling reduces complexity and speeds up distribution.
  3. Distributors: Distributors manage the flow of goods from manufacturers to the marketplace. B2B eCommerce platforms increase their ability to manage inventory, showcase products effectively, and improve quick sales processes to various business buyers.
  4. Dealers: Dealers act as authorized sellers for specific products or brands. B2B eCommerce platforms help dealers manage their sales more efficiently, track customer interactions, and ensure they meet brand compliance in their sales efforts.
  5. B2B Retailers: These businesses sell products from various manufacturers and distributors directly to businesses that use them for operational needs or retail sales. An eCommerce platform allows B2B retailers to manage inventories and streamline sales processes.

Customer-centric B2B features in wholesale eCommerce

The modern B2B eCommerce platform now mirrors the B2C eCommerce platform by putting the focus on user experience. This means that B2B buyers want a shopping experience that feels intuitive and fast just like in B2C buying experience. From accessing your B2B online shop to browsing your wholesale products and checkout. eCommerce platforms that fulfill these needs and still offer excellent B2B customer service and user-friendly interfaces win.

The Definitive Guide to B2B E-commerce Buyer Demands in 2024 by BEA showed that an impressive 93% of B2B buyers now choose B2B eCommerce platforms for their procurement needs.

Turis as your B2B partner: Key benefits

  • Ready to Use: The B2B eCommerce platform comes ready with all B2B key essential features. In a few steps, you can start selling from day one. It’s code-free and integrates with more than 5000 connectors and integrations.
  • Ease of Use: Has an intuitive interface, which simplifies complex B2B processes, making it easy for new users to get on board quickly without extensive training.
  • Customization and Scalability: The B2B platform allows for extensive customization but keeps a focus on being streamlined. This makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes and types, ensuring that as your business grows, your platform can scale with you.
  • Integrated Solutions: Seamless integration with your existing ERP and CRM systems. Data synchronization is enabled across all platforms, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency.
  • Platform Security: The best security measures are implemented continuously to protect your data and ensure safe B2B transactions, giving you and your B2B customers peace of mind.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to other competitors, Turis offers a more affordable solution without sacrificing quality or functionality, providing excellent value for money.
  • B2B Focused Development: Turis is designed with B2B eCommerce software. We ensure that every, B2B transaction, feature, and integration is tailored to meet the unique needs of B2B eCommerce.

B2B eCommerce platform success story: ORTLIEB

ORTLIEB, a leading provider of waterproof bags and outdoor gear, turned to Turis to streamline their wholesale operations. They needed a B2B solution that could handle complex B2B orders and provide clear, straightforward management tools and an intuitive interface for their buyers.

Implementation and Results: After implementing Turis, ORTLIEB saw significant improvements in B2B order management efficiency and customer satisfaction. Being able to process orders quickly and customize pricing for different clients improved the buying experience and boosted sales.


Advanced B2B eCommerce functionalities that set Turis apart

Turis is not just a B2B eCommerce platform. It is a ready to use, code free solution that is designed to simplify and automate all your B2B operations. This includes for example B2B express ordering, multi-level pricing, bulk order capabilities, and custom catalog views. These functionalities directly address the needs of the B2B market.

B2B eCommerce features included with Turis

Wholesale management features

Bulk Product Import: Upload your wholesale product catalog using our bulk importer or connect to an external data source.

Product Content (Image and Content Bank): Your retailers can download your product content in your automatically updated Image & Content Bank feature.

B2B Retailer Management: Easily create retailer profiles and contacts. Give the right people direct access for browsing and buying from your B2B eCommerce.

B2B Order Management: Simplify and automate your wholesale order process, and keep your B2B customers updated on changes automatically.

Bulk Data Import: Import data in bulk for multiple properties.

Product Tax Settings: Manage different tax rates based on product, country, and customer type, including exemptions.

Platform Integrations: Connect Turis with more than 5,000 connectors and other platforms – no coding required.

API Integrations: Take B2B software integrations a step further with our Open API and develop exactly what you need.

Language & Translations: Turis is available in more than 180 languages.

Price Lists & Discounts: Set different wholesale prices and discounts easily to meet various customer needs.

Sales Agents: Easily assign sales agents to retailers, enabling them to place orders for customers.

Stock Management: Control your inventory using our built-in integration, an app, or by creating a custom solution with our API.

Wholesale Payment Options: Accept credit card payments from all or selected customers.

Best B2B eCommerce platform features

Customizable B2B eCommerce storefront: Implement your brand and visual identity in the wholesale customer experience without any code.

B2B Preorders: Offer your customers and retailers the ability to preorder products and improve your inventory management, anticipate demand, and streamline production schedules.

Product Display: Organize your products visually and add categories for an easy browsing and quick ordering or reordering.

Product Variants: Structure your products with different variant settings based on your product types and on how your customers want to buy.

Password Protected: Customers need access to purchase via Turis. When you create customers and contacts we automatically send them an invite – no additional setup required

Share Product Catalog: Need to share an open product catalog to potential customers? No problem – Turis comes with a link where users can browse product information (no wholesale prices, though)

Image and Content Bank: Your customers have easy access to product content. You don’t even need to maintain it – just create your products and your users can download what they need directly in Turis

B2B Express Ordering: Allow customers (all or specific ones) to place large orders with only a few clicks.

Retailer Specific Languages: Make ordering easier by setting the language for specific retailers.

Personal Buyer Logins: All buyers can get their own individual logins.

Branded Login Page: Create a secure and branded login experience for your buyers.

Custom Shop URL: By default your store will have a free subdomain but we can also create a custom URL (e.g. wholesale.yourwebsite.com).

Buyer Order History: No need for buyers to browse email inboxes for order confirmations. Buyer can login and browse their order history and recent order updates

Notifications: Send order confirmations, order changes or other updates automatically as changes occur.

A supportive B2B eCommerce partner

Choosing Turis as your partner means more than just picking a B2B eCommerce solution for your business. It means that you will have a partner by your side that understands the requirements and needs of digital B2B eCommerce. Turis offers ongoing support and continuous updates, ensuring that your B2B eCommerce platform evolves with your business and the market.

In a market where B2B buyer demands are ever-increasing, a complete but easy eCommerce platform is more important than ever. Turis not only meets these expectations but exceeds them, providing a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly platform that is prepared to grow with your business. Choose Turis and take control of your digital transformation.

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