Turis + Lodgify

Optimize workflows and efficiency by connecting Lodgify and Turis.

Integrate Lodgify with Turis

With an integration for Lodgify and Turis you can send and receive data in both platforms with no manual work or entry.

Integrating Lodgify with Turis is simple.

You don’t need to be able to write any code and you can even customize the integration with your own conditions if needed.

All you need to do is to connect Lodgify with Turis by signing in and allowing the two platforms to share data.

Once that is cleared, you can set up the integration by dragging the data to the relevant fields.

It’s like being a developer but without knowing anything about coding (yes, now you can tell your colleagues that you are building Lodgify integrations).

It’s simple, efficient and allows you and your wholesale customers to get even more out of Turis.

We'd love to tell you more about how the Lodgify and Turis connection works.

Get your personal demo of Turis and learn more about how this integration and other features could improve your business.

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Casper Founder, Turis