Feature of the month: B2B Preorders

B2B preorders feature

As the B2B landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of market demands and optimizing operations is crucial for business success. This month’s feature, the B2B Preorder functionality on Turis, empowers brands to promote and sell new product lines before their official launch. This not only helps in accurate production planning but also ensures retailers receive the desired quantities of upcoming products. Discover how preorders can transform your B2B operations with enhanced planning, inventory management, and customer satisfaction.

What is the B2B Preorder feature?

The B2B Preorder functionality allows brands to promote and sell new product lines on Turis before they are officially launched. This feature enables retailers to place preorders, providing brands with accurate insights into production needs and planning, while ensuring that retailers receive their desired quantities of upcoming products.

Why Use B2B Preorders feature?

B2B Preorders feature available in Turis offers several benefits for both brands and retailers:

For Brands:

  1. Accurate Production Planning:
    • Access market demand before production.
    • Reduce the risk of overproduction and optimize resource allocation.
  2. Inventory Management:
    • Plan inventory more efficiently based on confirmed preorders.
    • Minimize storage costs and manage warehouse space effectively.
  3. Enhanced Cash Flow:
    • Secure advance payments or commitments from retailers.
    • Improve cash flow and financial planning.

For Retailers:

  1. Secured Stock:
    • Guarantee availability of high-demand products.
    • Plan seasonal inventory and promotions effectively.
  2. Exclusive Access:
    • Gain early access to new product lines.
    • Offer customers exclusive or first-release items.
  3. Flexible Ordering:
    • Split orders into multiple delivery dates for better inventory management.
    • Benefit from tailored discounts and pricing incentives.

B2B Preorders – Step by step

Overall Benefits:

  1. Increased Customer Satisfaction:
    • Meet customer demands promptly with pre-secured stock.
    • Build stronger relationships with retailers through reliable delivery.
  2. Strategic Insights:
    • Use preorder data to identify trends and adjust marketing strategies.
    • Make informed decisions about product launches and market positioning.

How to Use B2B Preorders in Turis

Using the preorder functionality in Turis is straightforward. You can find the Preorder option under Products -> Preorder.

  1. Creating a B2B Preorder Group:
    • Click the purple “Add new preorder group” button.
    • Assign a name to your preorder group, such as ‘Preorder 2025’.
    • Set the active dates for the preorder group, either by selecting a specific date range or keeping it active until manually turned off.
    • Specify the delivery dates and the number of delivery slots available for the preorder items.
    • Determine the minimum order amount, either as a general minimum for the group or for each delivery date.
    • Optionally, apply discount tiers based on order value or individual product discounts.
  2. Managing Preorder Prices:
    • Set distinct prices for preorder items within the ‘Manage prices’ section of the product cards. You can choose to have the same price for direct orders and preorders or different prices for each.
  3. Preorder Process for Buyers:
    • Buyers enter the preorder flow by clicking the preorder category name. They can add items to their cart and benefit from any applicable discount tiers.
    • During checkout, buyers can select the number of delivery dates and distribute their orders accordingly, ensuring they meet the minimum order requirements.
  4. Seller’s Perspective:
    • Preorders are treated as separate orders based on the selected delivery dates and can be managed in the ‘Orders’ section. Each order will be tagged with the relevant delivery month.

The Power of B2B Preorders: What is it? How it helps businesses

woman takin b2b preorders in a computer

Good to Know

  • Email Notifications: Both sellers and buyers will receive confirmation emails upon preorder submission. These emails can be customized to suit your brand’s communication style.
  • Categories: Preorders will automatically generate subcategories based on the main categories of the assigned products, ensuring seamless integration into your existing product catalog.

By leveraging the preorder functionality, you can streamline your B2B operations, optimize production, and enhance retailer satisfaction. You can start using preorders today to stay ahead of the market and meet your customers’ needs efficiently.