How to take your B2B wholesale business from offline to online – B2B eCommerce

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B2B eCommerce is the way of the future – there’s no way around it. Though a relatively new industry, eCommerce has disrupted many of the traditional B2B wholesale processes that people and B2B businesses have become used to.

If you want your B2B wholesale business to succeed in 2024, you’ll need to reinvent your sales models and manual processes to cater to the changing market. And this means taking your B2B company from offline to online.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to take your B2B company from offline to online and to successfully adapt to the market.

Why taking your offline wholesale business online is essential to your success

There are many reasons why eCommerce has seen such explosive growth in recent years. Among these is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been an undeniable contributor to the success of online business.

During the pandemic, businesses understood the importance of taking their operations online. ECommerce offered several advantages over traditional brick-and-mortar stores, such as convenience, flexibility and same-da delivery services. So, companies looked for ways to get their products to customers quickly and efficiently.

Although certainly a catalyst, the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t the only reason that online shopping is increasing in popularity. The fact of the matter is that eCommerce is convenient for consumers in ways that physical shopping simply isn’t.

B2B platform for wholesale orders and B2B business ecommerce

ECommerce allows consumers to purchase everything they need from the comfort of their own home. They can get groceries delivered to their front door, get their car serviced at their own garage, and try on clothes in their living room. Once consumers are used to this level of convenience, why would they want to go back?

This also applies to wholesale and B2B businesses. B2B sales depend on a solid online presence, and eCommerce will only continue to grow. So if you want your business to thrive, taking it online is essential to the success of your B2B business.

Requirements checklist: what to prepare before you move your B2B wholesale business online

Before you start the process of taking your B2B company online, there are a few things you need to have in order:

  1. Business strategy
    You need a solid business plan and a clear vision for what you want to achieve when you take your business online.
  2. Understand your target audience
    You need to know that your goods and services are in demand with your target audience. You will need to consider whether your B2B customers will appreciate ordering online.
  3. Plan what products to sell
    Consider whether your products are fit to sell online. Products like clothes, interior and furniture sell very well in a B2B eCommerce setting. Products like spare parts are typically not very fit for eCommerce.
  4. Inventory and warehouse
    Make sure to continually maintain and update your inventory and warehouse. B2B customers hate ordering from you only to find out that the product was actually never in stock.
  5. Prepare to sell
    When you take your B2B sales from offline to online you can expect to see an increase in sales almost immediately. So before you launch your new B2B webshop make sure your organization is ready to handle the sales surge.

Once you’ve ticked off the points on this list, you’re all set to start moving your offline business online.

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So how do you move your offline B2B wholesale business online?

If you’re ready to take your business from offline to online, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Select the right B2B eCommerce software
    Choose the right software for your eCommerce website based on their features and compatibility with your business model.
  2. Buy a suitable domain
    A domain name is essential to your online identity. Choose an appropriate name for your business.
  3. Buy cloud hosting
    Based on your business magnitude and requirements, choose a secure and efficient hosting provider.
  4. Download a framework
    Choose a framework that satisfies your business needs.
  5. Set up your eCommerce shop
    Build your eCommerce shop and move all your products online. Make sure your product photos and descriptions are up to date.
  6. POS and payment methods
    Include multiple payment gateways that cater to your target audience. Make sure your selected payment gateways are secure.
  7. Configure shipping methods
    Efficient fulfillment is important for customer satisfaction in any industry. Include the shipping methods for the timely fulfillment and delivery of your orders.
  8. Ensure your eCommerce shop is mobile-friendly
    Nearly 3 out of every 4 dollars spent on online purchases today are spent through a mobile device. While the use of mobile for online purchases is mostly dominating the online B2C sales for now, there is no doubt that it will happen in B2B as well.
  9. Make sure your business is licensed and tax compliant
    Attend to license and tax structures to ensure that all legal obligations are taken care of. You don’t want to get in trouble with the tax authorities.
  10. Make your webshop appealing
    (Almost) everybody can build a webshop. The tricky part is building a webshop that is appealing and can sell. Make sure that you have a B2B eCommerce shop that can convert visitors into sales.

Moving your B2B wholesale business online takes work – but you don’t have to do it all by yourself

The steps described above will help you take your offline B2B company online. If it sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is. But the pros of taking your business online far outweigh the cons, and it’s worth all the effort you put into it.

And you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

Turis is the engine of your wholesale business. With Turis, you get your own B2B shop. You’re in full control of your shop and able to implement your own strong, visual identity.

Turis allows you to invite your retailers to shop wholesale with you in a password-protected space where your products and prices are only shown to users that you approve of. This way, you’re able to build lasting relationships with your customers and nurture your retailer/buyer connections.

Get started with Turis or contact us to learn more about how we can help your B2B company succeed online.

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