The Many Names for B2B eCommerce Platforms: What They Really Mean

b2b ecommerce platform

The B2B eCommerce market has been growing over the last years and there seems to be no slowing down. New terms have come up to describe platforms that help wholesale businesses buy and sell online. But when there are many terms, things become complicated and what should be simple stops being so simple. So understanding these terms can help identify the solution that best fits your B2B business needs.

Common Terms Explained

B2B eCommerce Platform

Generally, B2B eCommerce Platform refers to the comprehensive system that supports online transactions between businesses. It includes functionalities for managing wholesale products, orders, customer relationships, and data analytics.

B2B eCommerce Software

This refers specifically to the software applications that enable online business transactions. It helps B2B companies online, from taking orders to processing B2B payments.

B2B eCommerce Solution

A B2B eCommerce solution is a set of software tools and services that help streamline day-to-day online business operations. It combines everything from sales to logistics into one platform.

B2B Electronic Commerce

This is a formal term often used in legal or technical discussions about eCommerce systems. It specifically highlights online transactions in commerce, focusing on the digital exchange of goods and services between businesses.

B2B Webshop

It refers to a ready-to-use solution that offers less customization compared to other B2B eCommerce specialized platforms.

B2B eCommerce App

A B2B eCommerce app is specifically designed software that enables business-to-business transactions on mobile devices. It’s a streamlined version of a full-scale B2B eCommerce platform, designed to be used on smartphones and tablets.

B2B Ordering Platform/Portal

This term focuses on placing and managing orders, which is important for B2B transactions. It emphasizes the system’s capability to handle complex orders, bulk processing, and custom pricing arrangements.

Turis — The World’s Easiest B2B eCommerce Platform

Turis is a all-in-one B2B eCommerce Platform that’s both scalable and intuitive. Designed to streamline B2B operations without any need for coding or plugins. Our platform easily integrates with CRM and ERP systems.

Our platform helps you manage your wholesale business more efficiently. It includes automated inventory updates, branded storefront, personalized retailer login, and data analytics to track and improve your B2B eCommerce business performance.

B2B eCommerce Platform Success Story: ORTLIEB

ORTLIEB, a leading provider of waterproof bags and outdoor gear, turned to Turis to streamline their wholesale operations. They needed a B2B solution that could handle complex B2B orders and provide clear, straightforward management tools and an intuitive interface for their buyers.

Implementation and Results: After implementing Turis, ORTLIEB saw significant improvements in order management efficiency and customer satisfaction. Being able to process orders quickly and customize pricing for different clients improved the buying experience and boosted sales.


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